Religious Education
This CRST rationale explains the principles of how we have designed the curriculum for pupils and how these principles underpin how we have selected the things we want them to learn.
This subject-specific rationale demonstrates how we have selected what we want pupils to learn and how the order has been arrived at so that pupils make progress in their learning. We have a three – year Key Stage 3 building on Key Stage 2 and leading into KS 4 and 5.
Our vision for RPE
To create open minded students with the ability to discuss and debate key topics fluently and confidently whilst listening to other opinions and beliefs.
To develop students who are able to show respect, empathy and compassion to others, especially when they have a different opinion or belief, reflecting on the need for acceptance and tolerance.
To give all students the opportunity to gain a broad knowledge and understanding of the six world faiths, atheism, and humanism plus key areas of Philosophy and Ethics.
The content of our Curriculum for RPE
Through studying the six main world faiths, students have a basic knowledge of what the beliefs and practices of that religion are. This guides them when investigating how certain people may respond to certain issues. With this basic knowledge they have the tools to help them decide what action or belief a person may have.
The “expert” student will have a good general knowledge of the world faiths and their beliefs and know how these religions worship and celebrate and key words relating to each religion. They will also develop the skills of empathy and compassion.
Through philosophical debate and the posing of questions, such as “why do we suffer?”, students start to think a bit more deeply about the world around them. They develop their own beliefs and opinions and learn to be open to the beliefs of others. They also learn that there are no easy answers to some questions.
Through looking at ethical issues students become aware of their own morals and virtues and what is right and wrong.
The “expert” student will be able to see both sides of an argument and be able to explain and discuss this both verbally and written. They will be able to identify and use key words from the topics covered and have the ability to voice their own opinion and belief.
Through looking at the lives of others, students see how it is possible to make a difference in the world. They also learn the impact of religion on the individual’s life and how important it can be. Ethical issues help them to learn to question their own beliefs and to look deeper into what they would class as being right or wrong.
The “expert” student will now have a wide and varied vocabulary that they use naturally through discussion, debate, and written work. They are more confident in discussion and can explain why they believe what they do whilst still accepting and being respectful of differing beliefs.
All of the above equipping the students for GCSE.
GCSE is split into 3 components: “Philosophy & Ethics”, “Christianity” and “Islam”. The GCSE has been chosen due to its incorporation of both religion and philosophy and ethics. It covers a wide range of topics such as: issues of relationships, issues of life and death, issues of good and evil and issues of human rights. Within these, topics such as: family, marriage, divorce, same sex relationships, equality, evolution, stewardship, speciesism, abortion, euthanasia, crime, punishment, forgiveness and social justice are covered. It is wide and varied and offers challenge and ambitious content.
All students are encouraged to take part in discussion and debate and to share their own views and opinions. All students are shown the importance of listening to others and learning from others.
PP students, SEN, higher and lower ability students will be targeted with key questions, tasks and homework tailored to their ability.
Students will be given opportunities to go on trips and visits and all will be encouraged to attend and take part.
Overview and Assessment Information
Please refer to the subject Curriculum and Assessment Overview document for an overview of specific topics and assessments.
Assessment time frames can be found in the subject Scheme of Assessment.